
Prices of Products and Services

Nisha M has taken care in giving details of the prices, packages and other information of the products displayed on the website; however, prices are subject to change without any obligation on our part to notify such change to you.


Payment offers multiple payment options, which include Online, Offline and Cash-on-Delivery

Online:  We accept payments made online with credit cards, debit cards and Net Banking.  We accept Visa & Master and Diners credit cards and debit cards of all banks, including Maestro.  We accept online fund transfers from most Indian banks.

Offline: Offline payments can be made with cheque, direct cash deposits or money transfer through Western Union.  For offline payments, please complete this online Form with your payment details.  The item will be shipped only upon realisation of the cheque/cash deposit.  

Cash-on-Delivery: In this method, the customer pays for the product directly to the Courier upon delivery by him.  The COD option has a purchase limit of Rs. 49,000.00 (INR Forty nine thousand only).







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